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Kid Bengala 1

View all films from 'Oftly Goldwin'
This film has what is known by mear mortals like my self with a standard 8 cock The never ending story. How did he get gifted with something so big and beautiful? It would have been a waste for the kid to not have got in to the porn industry. And does he know how to use it? The look of fear on the girls faces as he digs it deep into her arse is true and he goes all the way. If size doesnt matter think again, this boy knows how to use his gift, and when he shoots its like a double barrelled shot gun unleashing his lot. This is s first step into an Oftly Goldwin film and if you like it I promise there are more to follow. I just hope our girls are up for it all!
Additional Information
Stock Code | CC445 |
Studio | Oftly Goldwin |
Running Time | 90 mins |